Coaching Application First Name * Last Name * Email Address * Where do you live? * US CA UK Have you ever been a coach before? * Nope! I was previously a coach, but cancelled MORE THAN 6 months ago I was previously a coach, but cancelled LESS THAN 6 months ago I am currently a coach for the discount I am currently a coach What is your Instagram handle? * ex. @mrs.ashleydrew Please make sure your page is public! Tell me about yourself. Family, Occupation, Etc. * Have you ever tried Beachbody workouts before, if so, which ones and how long ago? * Have you had a physical transformation? What is your current fitness/health goal? * How much time do you plan on committing to coaching a day? * 4+ hours a day - I'M ALL IN! 2-3 hours a day - as a side hustle! 1 hour a day Less than 1 hour - I am really busy What describes you MOST? * I would love to create a life of TOTAL FREEDOM for myself and my family and I am willing to get uncomfortable and WORK HARD for it! I would love to earn a little bit of extra spending money. I would love to earn enough to pay for my own products. I mainly want to get a discount and work on myself. Why are you interested in becoming a coach and joining our team? * Is there anything else you would like me to know? * If you are selected, do you want to sign up with Shakeology or the Performance Line? Packages are $160, please be prepared to sign up today. * Shakeology Performance Line I already bought a package and have Shakeology or Performance Line on Home Direct! Thank you! I will be in touch!! xo-Ashley